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Article in the Karower Bote: (Excerpt) July/August 2024 issue: Every week, the women from six African countries meet on Mondays for breakfast. They either go to the cinema or to the playground together. "Then we feel safe," says Adolphine Landgraf. She comes from Ghana and is the mother of twins. She now considers Karow her home. But she was not welcome from the start.
Safe space for exchanging ideas about everyday racism
"My neighbors never greeted me, never accepted packages. They deliberately looked away when I passed by," says Adolphine Landgraf, who has lived in Karow since 2017. "But I just kept saying hello. Today we talk to each other, offer each other help." Racism in everyday life - each of the women here can tell a story about it. From derogatory comments to taped-up mailboxes. In the community center they can talk about it - a safe space. etc.
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